
Saturday, April 15, 2006

Another Victim of the Huron

This story appered in The Ypsilantian of Thursday, April 16, 1903.

The Huron river, near the Peninsular mill, has an insatiable greed for human victims, and already it has claimed its yearly sacrifice this season. Saturday afternoon Ernest Splinters, aged 22, was working near the top of the new bridge that is being built just below the mill, when he slipped and fell into the water. George Williams, who came from BAy City with Splinters, made an heroic effort to rescue him but filed, and himself was exhausted by the struggle with the fierce current. The body was not recovered until Sunday afternoon, and was found lodged on the island a short distance down stream.

Mr. Splinters was said to be an exceedingly agile swimmer, but it is thought he must have been partly stunned by the fall. He came from Bay City, where his bride of three months resides. His brother took the body to Bay Cith Monday. Corner Watts holds the inquest today.

More News from April of 1896

The following appeared in The Ypsilantian of Thursday, April 23, 1896.

Several slight accidents have happened to bicycle riders lately, all because the riders did not pay attention to the long established rule of "keeping to the right." If all persons driving or riding would adhere strickly to this rule, collisions would be next to impossible. Also if pedestrians would learn to igore the ever present bike and keep going right along, the rider will have no trouble in doing the turning out for both parties.

A few days ago a farmer drove into town and tied his horse in front of Crane's grocery store. To his surprise, a hen flew out of the buggy and started on a century run down the street. On investigation, a nest of eggs was found under the seat, the hen having selected that spot for the starting of a small chicken factory. The farmer paid a boy ten cents to catch the hen, tied her fast in the buggy and took her home

Last Thursday night fire was discovered in the barn of the Ypsilanti Lumber Co., and in spite of the objections raised by the fire department, the building was destroyed. Fortunately, the horses,wagons and harness were saved. Three firemen were working on the second floor when it gave way, giving them a sudden drop to the first floor. "Hay, there," howled fireman Kent, as he found himself buried under five or six feet of dried grass. After numerous jabs from pitchforks, he was released. The loss is estimated at $450, with $350 insurance.

News from April of 1896

The following is from The Ypsilantian of Thursday, April 16, 1896.

Strange, what serious consequences often follow seemingly trivial occurrences. About two weeks ago Fred, the eleven year old son of C. F. Reinhart, looked at the sun through a piece of yellow glass, without apparent injury at the time. A few days later his eye-sight began to fail him, and an examination proved that the optic nerve was paraluzed, and is almost sure to result in the total destruction of his sight.

Joe McGrath is sicerely wishing that bicycle tires would stay where they are put, and not come off and couse the riders to fall and dislocate their collar bones, as he did last Sunday.

The finiliar click of the lawn mower is again to be heard in the land.

Several important changes are being made in Light Guard hall, by meands of which said hall will be fitted for the production of plays requiring not more three carloads of scenery. For what we are about to receive, let us be thankful.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Urban Chickens

The Ypsilanti City Council meeting of Tuesday included the presentation by a man who would like the council to amend the city charter to permit the raising of chickens within the city limits. Chickens, he said, make great pets, provide a source of healthy food, eggs, and a little something to make the grass green. Freash eggs, he pointed out, are better for then store bought, which cna be thrity days old, and home grown will help people save money. You only need a few chickens to keep yourself supplied with eggs and good chicken coops are readily avalible.

I like the idea of bringing chickens back into the city, and, in fact, I know of one house in the city that already has chickens. Yes, I have seen a backyard in the city of Ypsilanti which holds at least two chickens, four ducks, and a chicken coop. This could once again become a common sight in Ypsilanti.

Keep Ypsi Rolling

I attended the Ypsilanti City Council meeting Tuesday night, and was impressed by the presentation made by Laura Bien of Keep Ypsi Rolling. She did a fine job of suggesting alternatives for ending the bus service. There was a grand moment of theater, when she offered the members of the council an opportunety to sign an elarged copy of the petiton, and all of them did. The presentation by Laura Bien is an example of citizen participation in local government at its best. This was followed by committes from the audence, who told of the hardships ending the bus service will cause them. These committes put a human face on the issue.