Another Victim of the Huron
This story appered in The Ypsilantian of Thursday, April 16, 1903.
The Huron river, near the Peninsular mill, has an insatiable greed for human victims, and already it has claimed its yearly sacrifice this season. Saturday afternoon Ernest Splinters, aged 22, was working near the top of the new bridge that is being built just below the mill, when he slipped and fell into the water. George Williams, who came from BAy City with Splinters, made an heroic effort to rescue him but filed, and himself was exhausted by the struggle with the fierce current. The body was not recovered until Sunday afternoon, and was found lodged on the island a short distance down stream.
Mr. Splinters was said to be an exceedingly agile swimmer, but it is thought he must have been partly stunned by the fall. He came from Bay City, where his bride of three months resides. His brother took the body to Bay Cith Monday. Corner Watts holds the inquest today.