
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

John Van Cleve is found dead

The following story was published by The Ypsilanti Record on Thursday, February 15, 1017.

Apparently dead for many hours, the lifeless body of John Van Cleve, member of one of Ypsilanti's once most prominent families, was found in his room a the home of Mrs. Molly J. rice, 220 South Huron street, Monday, evening. Heart disease had evidently taken him away. It is presumed death came some time Sunday, as he had not been seen since Saturday evening.

Mr Van Cleve was about 75 years of age, son of John W. Van Cleve, Sr., once wealthy and prominent Ypsilantian. He is survived by one brother, Frank of Escanaba, and one son, Nathaniel, of Westchester, Pa. His wife died 20 years ago. The senior Mr. Van Cleve was a pioneer merchant of Ypsilanti and once owner of the Peninsular paper mill.

For several months the deceased had roomed at the Rice home. He was not in good health, but was able to be about. He was seen Saturday to leave his room. On Monday evening a neighbor lady, recalling that he had not been seen about either Sunday or Monday, went to call. Finding his room quit, a man roomer in the house was called, a light was turned on and Mr. Van Cleve was found dead in his bed.

A message was at once sent to the brother in Escanabe, telling of the death, and efforts were immediately made to locate the son in Virginia. Difficulty was met in locating him.

As soon as the death was discovered, the remains were cared for at a local undertaking establishment. Coroner Burchfield, of Ann Arbor, was called in on the case, and Tuesday morning he came and investigated. Mrs. Rice, proprietor of the rooming house where Van Cleve lived, is ill in a sanitarium at Mt. Clemens, where she went about three weeks ago for treatment.


At 2:47 PM, Blogger Xenlighten said...

What ailment does one go to a sanitarium for?

At 10:44 AM, Blogger James said...

Dear Teaspout,

There were many reasons for gooing to a sanitarium. the best known reason for going to a sanitarium was tuberculosis, and other communicable diseases. Then there were sanitaruims for people with nervous disorders, this was most often seen as a woman's trouble. The reason for Mrs. Rice going to a sanitaruim is not known, but the stay there may not have done her any good, as her house was the property of the Newton family by 1920.

At 5:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.


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