The folowing story was published by the Ypsilanti Commercial onMarch 16. 1888.
About a year ago one of the Ann Arbor papers published a authentic (?) account of the doings of a ghost in the Court House there, and ever since, the Athens of America has been all puffed up because it had a sort of monopoly of the ghost business. But now it must come down. It has a competitor. Ypsilanti is at present the possessor of a copyrighted ghost, all rights reserved. Let no other twon think they can take it away from us. This, our own and only apparition appears on the streets of a night. It is from nine to twelve feet high, affects black garments, and wears sometimes a white and sometimes a black mask. It has been seen by several people we learn, principally in the fifth ward, but twice on Adams street. A large reward is not offered for its capture, dead or alive. Guesses as to what it is are in order. It may be some one masquearding on stilts to frighten timid people, it may be a ghost, it may be wind; can't tell. Its evident preference for the fifth ward is, to say the least, suggestive. In the mean time, let Ann Arbor remember that it is not the only city in Washtenaw that has spirit.