
Monday, April 23, 2007

Hangs Head Down From Moving Car

This story was published by The Ypsilanti Daily Press of Tuesday, April 23, 1907.

Harry Armstrong,night operator at Wiard's Crossing, (east of Ypsilanti) narrowly escaped death last night when dragged along head downwards by a moving freight car which he attempted to board. He miraculously escaped with a broken collar bone. Armstrong is the man who was slugged by a holdup man in the Wiard station last fall and was laid up for more than a month.

Armstrong's home is about half a mile from the station.

"It's such a nice night, come down and spend the evening with me," were his parting words to his wife and little daughter.

Twenty minutes later they found him lying beside the railroad track suffering agony from his injuries.

In attempting to board a freight train he slipped. His foot caught in the ladder on the side of a freight car and he was dragged along, head downwards for a distance of 10 to 15 rods. finally he dropped beside the track.

Dr. Byron Arnold of Denton was called and until his arrival Armstrong suffered intense pain. He was unable to sleep all night.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Joe King Almost Suffocated

This story was published by The Ypsilanti Daily Press onSaturday, April 21, 1907.

Joseph King, the well known shoe man, narrowly escaped suffocation when the fire broke out in John Kuster's meat market on Congress street (now Michigan Ave.) shortly after 2:30 o'clock this morning. It was from Mr. King's rooms above his shoe store that the alarm was turned in to the fire department.

Smoke from the burning meat market, which was gutted and an entire loss, poured into Mr. King's bedroom. He has been lying very ill for several days. The smoke was so thick that the light could not be distingushed from the bedside. Mrs. King and her sister, Mrs. Bourke of Jackson, were there. Frank Minnis, Mr. King's traveling salesman, was dummoned and assisted in getting Mr. King from his bed to fresh air near a window. It was a long time before the rooms could be freed of smoke.

Today Mr. King complained of soreness in his lungs. They feel as if they were raw. The effect of the smoke may be very serious, taken inconjunction with the illness which has afflicted him.

Mr. Kuster carried $700 insurance with John P. Kirk's agency. The insurance will probably cover the loss. The origin of the fire in unknown. The fire department did good work, else the fire would have spread and done damage to adjoining stores.

It is a strange coincidence that just one year ago today John Kuster Jr. accidentally cut off his fingers in the meat market.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Drunk Tears Out Sewerage in Jail

This story is from The Ypsilanti Daily Press of Tuesday, April 16, 1907.

Michael Smith known as Julius Smith was arrested yesterday charged with being a drunkard and tippler, first offense. In jail he gave an imitation of Carrie Nation.

He defied Officer Ryan, who warned him to get off the street. He attempted to show his pugilistic ability but was carried off to jail in a hack.

There he tore up the sewerage and broke all available furniture. Consequently, Deputy Sheriff Westfall took him to Ann Arbor last evening.

He was arraigned before the justice this morning and was fined $10 and $7.41 costs or 15 days in jail.

This jail sewerage, which was just recently installed, seems to be fated. A week ago a man named Martin Miller proved himsefl a destructive element by likewise tearing up the plaumming

Overtaken by Death

This story was published by The Ypsilanti Daily Press of Monday, April 1, 1907.

Mrs. Charles Carr died at her residence, 16 Hamilton street, at about 8 o'clock last evening. Her death is a great shock to the community at large. She has been active and in apparently good health, and showed no signs of callapse yesterday. She attended morning service at St. Luke's and it was over exertion in hurrying to church last evening which undoubtly brought on a callapse of the heart.

Mrs. CArr expressed being somewhat out of breath from fast walking, entering the church, only to leave it almost immediately, stating that she was going home. When she arrived at the church steps Mr. M. M. Read noticed that she staggered and hurried to her assistance.

She again stated that she was going home, but when only a door from the church, she became almost helpless fro m exhaustion. It was thought best to take her inside, but this was impossible as the warm air seemed ti stifle her, and when her granddaughter reached her side, only a few minutes later, her suffering was intense. A carrage and physician were summoned, and she was removed to her home saying as she went that she would not live through the night. She best knew he own condation, for she died shortly after her arrival home.

Mrs. Carr, whose maiden name was Clara Harper, was born at Clyde, Wayne Co., New York in 1834. She was married to Chas. C. Carr in 1854, and their removal to Ypsilanti, where she has since resided, with the exception of three years, was in 1859.

Mrs. Carr's life has been a quit, unassuming one. Her chief attribute was thoughtfulness of others and her unselfish devotion toward any good cause has made her greatly esteemed by all who knew her. Her temperament corresponded to that chareteristie in that she was always bright and energetic.

Mrs. Carr was a member of St. Luke's Episcapal church and since her affifiaton with that church she has been faithful in attendance.