
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Building and Improvements

The following story appeared in The Ypsilantian of Thursday, November 26, 1891.

Trim & McGregor are building a large house upon their lots in Scovill and Tuttle's addition, on the east side of Adams street extended. This is the first house in that addition since it platted

Broad walks of sawed flag stones are going down in front of the Post stores on Huron street, replacing the last of the rough planks on that block, and on the south side of Congress (Michigan Ave) street eastward from Mack & Mack's. Mr. Loughridge dose the job.

C. D. Bassett is putting a spacious porch across the east and south fronts of his residence at the corner of Washington and Ellis(Washtenaw) streets.

Prof. George has completed an extensive remodeling of his residence on Normal street, placing it on a higher foundation nearer the street, and adding to its size. It makes a very handsome appearance.


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