
Monday, November 06, 2006

It might have been terrible

This tory appeared in the Ypsilanti Commercial of Friday, November 6, 1891.

What might have been a terrible affair occurred Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerick, corner of Cross and Huron strets. They started a coal stove for the first time that evening, and the family and roomers, some eight or ten in all,retired as usual supposing all was right. But it seems that the chimney was stopped up, and all night the stove emptied the poisonous coal gas into the house. In the morning the first to awaken found it almost impossible to get to the doors and open them, but it was done, and a physician at once summoned. He found six of the inmates of the house nearly asphyxiated, but careful treatment has assisted nature, and all are now out of danager.


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