Chief Gage takes charge of elephants
This story was published by The Ypsilanti Daily Press on Tuesday, June 5, 1906.
According to last night's Council City Marshal Gage will change his occupation for a few days while Eph Thompson is here, when the chief will become elephant trainer, so that along about 5 o'clock this evening, when the elephants are expected to arrive in the city over the Michigan Central train from Toledo, one would naturally expect to see the chief escorting Eph and his elephants about the town to their quarters back of the Hawkins house. Mr. Thompson is the man who as a boy away from Ypsilanti and has become one of the most renowned of elephant trainers in the world.
Longing to show his home people what he has done he brings his troupe of four elephants to this city for three entertainments at the opera house, where they will appear Wednesday and Thursday evenings and Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock in a special matinee for ladies and children. He carries with him four elephants which have traveled all over Europe with him, and among which is the only somersault elephant in the world.
In addition to the elephants, a fine vaudeville program consisting of comedians, vocalists, instrumentalists and dances will be give.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Hi James, may i just thank you for the information on my great grand father Eph Thompson. I am trying to find where he was born and was wondering if you knew of any other news about Eph.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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