
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Store at Stony Creek is Burned

This story appeared in The Daily Ypsilanti Press of Monday, February 28, 1916.

Fire early this morning destroyed the store at Stoney Creek and the resedence occupied by the proprietor, Everett A. Dicks. Mr. Dicks succeded in saving the greater part of his house hold belongings but litte was saved from the store aside from the scales and two cases.

The blaze is believed to have started from a defective chimney and nearly the shole second story was in flames before the damage was discovered.

J. G. West of Belleville, formerly of this city, is the owner of both the buildings and he would have again assumed charge about March 15. At this time the Dicks family are to move to the Ed Burns farm. Mr. West's loss will be covered by insurance.

The store building was an old landmark and is believed to be at least 100 years old. It is the only store in the village.

The neighbors for miles around gathered and attempted to check the fire, but without avail.


At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell us how the retreat at Manresa went when you get back, please. --heathen

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Xenlighten said...

Imagine, the only store in an entire village. I wonder how people made do afterwards.

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