
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Honored in Brick

I recently completed work on my new book which I have entitled: Honored in Brick: The Stories of the People for whom the buildings at Eastern Michigan University are named. The buildings on the campus are named for people who played a role in the history of the University. Their storeis deserver to be told.

The focus of the book is on the people, such as Carl Pray, profesor of history and remarkable storyteller. He was such a handsome man, it was said, almost every co-ed on campus had a crush on him. Estelle Downing, who in 1919, was the first woman elected to the Ypsilanti City Council. She was also most likely the first woman elected to a city council in the state of Michigan. The book, of course, includes the story of James "Bingo" Brown, perhaps the most loved man in the history of Eastern.

I had hope to have the book published by now, but lack the financial resources to pay for the printing. This is a book that will sell, as there is interest in the subject. The big market will most likely be the alumni of the university. There should also be interest in the subject from students, faculty, ans staff of the university.

The book will be soft cover with 161 pages of text with photographs, and be 9 by 6 inches in size.

I had hoped to have it out in time for the Christmas market, but that is no longer possible. Well, I can try to have it out by spring.


At 7:20 PM, Blogger Xenlighten said...

Mr. Mann,
Congrats on finishing another sure to be bestseller in the area. Topic sounds fascinating.

At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Teaspout,

Thank you for the kind words, and I am looking forward to handing a copy over to you soon.


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