News from the Past
The following stories are from the Ypsilanti Commercial of June 3, 1865.
Fest Day
Thursday, the 1st inst., was closely observed in this city in the spirit of the proclamations of the President and Governor. No business was done, and severcies were held at all the churches. We understand the sermons were all extremely good, and several have expressed a wish to see them in print. We would be happy to receive them for publication. The only thing that seemed to mar the holy quit of that day was the continual "click, click," of the billiard balls in some of the saloons that persisted in breaking and causing others to break our national sabbath. It seems to us these propriutors, above all others, should observe such a day, or show a decent respect for those who do by closing their groggeres.
Capt. Morgan
By a telegraph dispatch to Mr. George, we learn that Capt. Jas. T. Morgan, who left his studies at the Normal School to enter the 17th Infantry, and who commanded the company of the 30th now stationed at Wyandotte, died very suddenly at that place on Tuesday morning. The Captain got up, feeling quite well and had eaten his breakfast with apparent relish; but while yet sitting at the table, he laid his head on his wife's shoulder and quietly and instantly breathed his last. He was a young man, scarcely 25, but idolized by his company, and loved and respected by all who knew him. A post mortem examination was had but we have not heard the result. The funeral took place on Thursday.
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