
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

News From the Past

The following two stories are from The Ypsilanti Commercial of May 27, 1865.


On Friday, the 19th, the day of Dan Rice's visit to our city, two pickpockets were arrested by Marshal McComick and Constable Pierce from Ann Arbor, who was down from that city on their track, two others of the gang having been arrested there. They wre pursured from the circus ground to the railroad track near the residence of John Gilbert, where they were arrested. They were taken to the lock up, and when searched several hundred dollars were found on them. They were examined on Saturday before Justice Carpenter and committed for trail at the next term of the circuit court. The rascals found several "victums" here, among whom were Ben Miller, who they relieved of $143 and Mr. Kellogg, who lost between $40 and $50. The pocket books of both were found near the place were the arrest was made, having been thrown away by the thieves.--With all due sympathy for our friend Miller and all other losers, we look upon it as consumomate foolishness for a man to venture into a circus crowd with any large sum of money in his possion, and the loss of it as a justly sented punishment.

We understand some four or five female students of the State Normal School (now EMU) were expelled at the last sitting of the Faculty. We have not the particulars, but those who do not intend to obey the rules of an institution however arbitrary they may appear, should not enter it.


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