
Saturday, May 21, 2005


This story was published by the Ypsilanti Commercial on May 22, 1869.

Oppsite the Hawkin's House Mrs. Mayne is erecting a nice store, designing a first-class fronts, beween the old Larzaleer block and Martins. We have already noticed Batchelder Bros., Post's and Van Tuyl's. Nearly opposite Rowley's Produce Store, Mr. S. Whitmarsh is erecting a Produce and Feed store of comely proportions. Passing Congress Street Bridge (Michigan Ave.) the reader can see a desirable improvement in part. You will discover tha the Huron Mill is being painted, presenting a tasty external appearance. If you have time go into the mill and you will see a still more important improvement. A complete and handsome stone foundation being built under the mil, and renovated in other particulars, under the supervision of Mr. Speer. The facilitics for custom work, always superior, and being made still more valuable. Going to the Depot, you noticeunusual activity going on in the corner of the Norris Block (Thompson Block). The new proprietor, Mr. O. F. Thompson, will inform you, for he is always genial and social, that he has bought this propeerty, and is going to renovate and repair it right up to the handle. He means to make one of the completest paint shops in the State, using the first floor for a store conected woth his business. You can see by the twinkle in his eye that he is glad to get out of the old barn in the rear, having for the small sum of $100 bequeathed the barn and apurtances belonging thereto to our good-natured friend Wm. Casey. Between Uncle Ben's wagong shop and the store you discover tha the old engine nuisance is gone and a good blacksmith shop takes its place, to be occupied by everybody's friend, Mr. T Vinian. If that corner block don't shine in less that three months, the pride of the Depot, set us down as a false prophet. The owners of property in the vicinity seem mightily pleased at the prospect. Unwittingly we passed Mr. Ferrier's Foundry (where the Co-op is now). You will notice that since the fire he is with his accustomed enegry putting his superior shop to rights again.


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