House of ill fame
The following is from The Ypsilanti Commercial of May 21, 1870.
Broken up
A house of Ill-fame in the 5th Ward was broken up by officers Tinney, Waugh, and Forbes, Wednesday night, armed with a warrant issued by Justice Warner. A couple of frail women were arrested and fined $20.00 each. There were five men (so called) young and old. They hung their heads for shame, as well they might. It is a shame that there is no city ordinance to punish the male bipeds, as well aas the poor victems of lust--the women.
Hm. If there was no city ordinance, under what authority did the officers break in and arrest? --ypsidixit
they broke in and broke up the house of ill fame, because such places were illege, but there was no ordinance under which they could arrest the men.
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