The following is from The Ypsilanti Commercial of Saturday, May 24, 1873
Last Wednesdy morning a child recently born, was found on the bank of the river in the rear of Mr. D. Wise's residence. It was doubless the intention to throw it into the river, but it was caught in the bushes. A jury was impanelled, consisting of the following persons: Dr. E. Batwell, J. Bickfond, A. Guild, G. Davis, H. Van Tuyl, J. Taylor. The infant was a seven-months' child, and upon examination was found to have been alive when born. The following is the verdict: "That the child came to his death by exposure and neglact at the hands of Margaret Simpson, a recent comer to this place and who claims to be a widdow 35 years of age." She came from Lansing here about seven weeks ago, and has been at work here since. The accused was around the house as usual at night, and was up and prepared breakfast in the morning. She has been arrested, and will be held to answer the charges against her.
Yikes. What happened to her? Would she be jailed? --ypsidixit
Sorry, but I hae no futher information on the case. Newspapers back then published a story, and failed to follow up. Now think for a moment. What do you think happened to her?
Like other things you have posted, that story is interesting because of what it doesnt say.
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