A Bold Bad Boy
The following is from The Ypsilantian of Thursday, May 31, 1888
Last Friday, a youngster about seven years old, finding Dr. Oakley's horse and carriage at the curbstone with nothing to do, bethought himself a very suitable person to enjoy a little ride at the Dr.'s expanse. So unhitching the horse and planting himself well back in the carrage with feet sticking out horizontally, on account of the width of the seat, he started on his holiday escapade. Overtaking a larger boy near the forks on the road on Huron street, he shared with him his good luck and surrendered the lines. At an increased pace, they soon disappeared over Mr. Watling's hill. Meantime the Dr. had caught the trail and was after them, with blood in his eyes, and nobody knows what in mind. The older boy, on seeing the parties in pursuit, had no longer any desire to ride but tested his leg power in a run across the lots to the woods. The parties returned with the horse, but what was done with the boy is not reported. Evidently a little education as to the difference between meum and tuum is guite essential for the sake of the youngster's own good.
The writing style for the Ypsilantian is quite refreshing. Hard to imagine an A2 News story relating the "with blood in his eyes" part. Had to look up "meum and tuum"
n. 1. Lit., mine; that which is mine; - used in the phrase meum et tuum, or meum and tuum; as, to confound meum and tuum, to fail to distinguish one's own property from that of others; to be dishonest.
Thank you Theresa, I was wondering what that ment
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