
Saturday, June 18, 2005

Denny Corbeil Killed by Grand Rapis's Express

This story is from The Ypsilanti Sentinal-Commercial of June 18, 1903.

"Denny" Corbeil, who was known to nearly everone in Ypsilanti, was killed Friday just this side of the Peninsular paper mill, by the Grand Rapid's express.

His mind has always been slightly unbalanced, but lately he had shown alarming symptoms. He worked at the Dewey cafe until a short time ago, when he began to sell candy on the street, having a table on the sidewalk near the waiting rooms, and a large sign tied to it entitled "The Ypsilanti Candy Works." Thursday he acted moore peculiur than usual and Mrs. Corbiel asked the nightwatch to see that he came to no harm.

He esceped somehow during the night and it is thought went to Ann Arbor as he was seen leaving there and walking this way. The train crew say he was trying to walk the track and paid no attention when they whistled. He was thrown a considerable distance. The body was picked up and taken to the baggage room, and was from there removed to Jay Moore's undertaking rooms. There were several bad gashes on the head and his facee was badly disfigured.

His parents reside in Lake Linden and he has no famlily. He was of a roaming character.

Coroner Watts at once empaneled a jury and after viewing the remains they adjourned until next Wednesday.

It is said, that he was a member of the Modern Woodmen of American.


At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad story, but wow, how nice it must've been to have a "Grand Rapids express." It is somewhat curious to me that we've let the economics of the trains slide so far into the unfathomable. If money spent for highways could be sub-divided into trains & highways, could we still have a reasonably priced Grand Rapids or maybe Cedar Point express?

At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Theresa,

You are right, we have let a valuble resource, trains, go to ruin. How musch better life in this country would be, if we could take a train, and not be limited to the car. I am told you never really see the country, until you travel by train.


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