
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

David Gillespie was found dead in his room

The following story is from the Ypsilanti Sentinal-Commercial of June 11, 1903.

David Gillespie was found dead Saturday morning in the old Masonic block, on E. Cross street, where he had lived alone.

Gillespie was a widower, and had been working in the Peninsular paper mill. Mabel Hauser has been taking care of his room and cooking his meals for him, but Saturday she failed to call him until after 8 o'clock. Receiving no reply to her call, she entered the room and found him lying on the bed, completly dressed and his eyes partially opened. Frightened because he failed to respond, she summoned help and the police were notitied. The body was removed to the undertaking rooms, and the relatives notified. When searched, it was found that he had over $125 on his person.

When seen last night by his friends Gillespie was in the best of spirits and in good health. Before leaving one of the his friends Friday might he bid him good bye, a thing that was noticed at the time to be unusual.

Gillespie has a family of grown up childern, but has refused to have anything to do with them for many years. His daughter, Mrs. Walmore, lives in this city, and his son, E. O. Gillespie, is a senior dental student in Ann Arbor. A second daughter, Miss Retta Gillespie, has just returned from Trout Creek, in the upper peninsula, where she has been teaching school.

An inquest will be held Friday.


At 7:19 PM, Blogger Lynne said...

Quite interesting. Especially how they imply the cause of death but dont actually say what it is. Or maybe I am just filling in the details.

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a mighty weird story. Why was he estranged from his kids? What was his motivation? Lots of questions here. --ypsidixit

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better him than me

At 11:34 AM, Blogger James said...

Dear Lynne,

I would like to know what you think the cause of death was.


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